Sunday, April 17

#1047 Kennford - Stix 'n' Speedy - 17 April 2022

Words by Speedy

Today’s trail was run number 1046 laid by Stix and I, laid from the seven stars in Kenford. It was a double special today because it was both the Easter hash and Stix's 50th birthday run. We were supposed to have a long short split at the start however when we where laying it Stix sent me off to lay the short and then realised we couldn’t lay the long because the footpath was closed due to there being an unstable building.

Stix instead had a genius idea and decided to send us all down the stream (so we all got wet) which lead to a footpath which lead to the A38 which we briefly ran along before climbing the hill and getting to the long-short split. The longs where supposed to be sent across the field and looped back down into the stream, however apparently they ended back at the pub somehow.

Everyone else continued along a long lane where there where 2 long short splits both longs had HAHAs on them. Instead of a Sweet stop we instead had a beer stop (with the usual has drinks) with egg hunt in a small area of woodland, we made some eggselent jokes! If you will pardon the pun.

We then ran along a hilly lane which got us to the Lay Arms, near the church where we had the final long short split. On the long I put in a fishhook for 5.7 people which enevitably confused the longs.

Finally we enjoyed some pizza and we finally named Peter 'long time coming' (not to be confused with long time cumming)

Remember to rate the trail

Next week we're at Core Copse, best Ottery At Mary for a trail by Howling Wilf and Riverdance