Sunday, April 9

#1099 Kennford - Hotlips & Chuckles - 9th April 2023.

Words by Bollards this week.

Easter Sunday hash and our 1100th trail starting at 1100 hrs.  [Edit: not actually our 1100th, someone made a counting error!!] We gathered at at un-named road in the village opposite the weighbridge. As usual we weren't prompt starting which renders the previous sentence pointless. There were various comings and goings on the road; it's obviously a popular drop off spot for any number of reasons.

It was Chuckles' Virgin Lay. His dad had given him a few pointers. Always nice to keep it in the family.

The trail started by heading through the village and then up onto the fields and lanes. I'm not entirely sure where the short went, but the long turned off left and went across a number of fields. Wide spotted a red kite and a couple of buzzards, or something like that. They seemed to be interested in a dead rabbit on the path. Obviously the excitement of bird watching was too much for Wide as he and Stix then went on their own unmarked trail down to the road and back again. I'm not sure where Paperwork and Pearl were - I can only assume that they were ahead and had it right as I didn't see them until we arrived at the sweetie stop where we had cream-egg cakes and Celebrations. Apparently, the shops had all sold out of easter eggs. 

Stix and Wide went into the Ley Arms that was conveniently located adjacent to the sweetie stop and had a pint. From then onwards there was a gentle walk back to the cars.

Next week we're having from Haven Banks (Exeter Quay) for Stix's birthday hash. Cheapest parking is here (car park nearest Water Lane) or park on Water Lane itself for free (limited spaces). On down into Topsham Brewery Tap Room.

Don't forget to Rate the Hash