Todays run was from Haldon Belvedere, laid by Sorepoint and Paperwork. Stix had a go at me (Speedy) for leaving the car door open even though it was bollards. I had a discussion with paperwork about what 18 squared was.
It was a hot morning and there was a large turn out, all the regulars came. Eventually it was time to start and Wide Receiver circled everyone up, I had to tell Bollards and Tight off for talking. The hares said five miles for the long, three for the short and two for the walk and all in the shade, Paperwork also introduced us to "titty checks" which is checks where the longs and shorts head in different directions. No notices so we got on with the run. We all got a bit lost at the first check, there where lots of different directions to chose from. We ran past some trees and saw lots of green and saw some bikes too! Lots of long shorts and backchecks to keep everyone together.
We reached the sweet stop and realised that we had lost Howling Wilf in the woods but before long he had found us again. The good news was that at least we where already 2/3 of the way around the hash. Bollards got so hot that I had to push her up the hill. In the circle the down Howling Wilf self nominated for the down down.
Next week we will be running from King George V playing fields, hated by Happy Snapper. It's the one thousandth, one hundredth and eleventh run, on down to the tally ho. If you would like to be included in the booking please contact Stix or let me know on the hash Facebook group as soon as possible.