Sunday, September 10

#1121 Double Locks - Speedy - 10 September 2023

Possibly the hottest hash of the year, or that could have been last week. Speedy's last trail before starting university at Bristol.  And a good turn out too, despite the heavy rain the night before.  Brillo had made it up from the muff, nice to see the return of Happy Snapper and Humpty, and also Blobhoblin.  Woodpecker had walked from home to the bridge with the ambition to meet us along the trail. Pearl ruined that plan by driving back up the canal path to pick him up, forcing him to do an extra mile when we headed back that way on trail!

Howlin' Wilf started off the hash, but only once the pack reminded him that he was deputy GM, and in charge in Wides's absence!
The trail took us towards the quay along the fields, then over the canal past the new station, for a loop around Marsh Barton.  Unfortunately Blobhoblin had to retire due to injury and headed back to the pub with Brillo for company. 
Did I mention it was hot?  Then a sweetie stop alongside what used to be the animal processing plant by the canal. Then down to the quay for a beer stop in the tap room, where Howlin' Wilf had a senior moment, thinking he'd lost all his keys etc on the trail. They were in his pocket...
A jog/walk back to the pub and lunch in the sun for many of us afterwards.
Don't forget to rate the hash!! 
Next week we're at Wonford sports centre.
On on