Thursday, December 1

Children in Need and AGM

The 20th November hash from Pynes Hill Exeter raised a grand total of £55 for Children in Need so well done to everyone.

The following Points were decided at the AGM

1. The committee.....  GM-Groucho
                                 Hash Cash-Spocky Bitz
                                 Beer Meister-Spocky Bitz
                                 Hare Raiser- Tampa
                                 Hash Score Meister- Blobhoblin
                                 Sheriff -Twin Peaks(its going to be an expensive year)
                                 Deputy Sheriffs-Odd Bitz and FF

2. Subs have been frozen at £20 for singles and £30 for families(time to ditch Radiohead!)

3.There will be an Autumn Gathering 2012 Venue and date to be announced

4.Groucho needs all cups/trophies back for the awards on 18th Dec at the Twisted Oak

5.XBitz suggested a 2012 Spring/Summer dinner/dance possibly a black tie job using some of the excess hash funds.

6.Everyone at the AGM wanted to see the blog continue and weekly reports reintroduced.

7.It was agreed that Stat Nav buy a round of drinks at the Christmas Hash