Sunday, February 2

#1192 Mamhead Forest - Hotlips, Zoot and Coat check - 2 February 2025

Twenty seven of us turned up, our biggest pack for a good while, and the car park where there are never any spaces because of the doggers.

Great the see newbies Hang10 and Leo back, and old timers No Butt and Mouthful, and Double D and Runner bean making an appearance too. Not only all of them, also but Gromit and Gazunda too!

The trail was a fast one, at least on the longs, taking us pretty much all the way around the edge of the forest. Hilly too, and some puddles and shiggy. 

But some beautiful views and moss-laden trees lining the tracks.  It was one and on, which is why Wide got a down down for shouting on-1 and on-2 all the way round. After the sweetie stop the hare told us that it wasn't well marked. Which is not helpful because just because you find an unmarked trail it isn't necessarily the right one! It worked out, but could have given badly wrong!! So the hares got a down down for that too, with Hotlips stepping up for the punishment.

Bollards was led back by Rosie, and given her face at the end, I think Rosie is fitter (in terms of exercise I mean).

Leo was named Lion Down and seemrfd happy with that, deciding to pour the "beer" on his Dad's shoes. Down downs also went to Double D and Gazunda as visitors, with Gazunda nominating Itztbitz

Thanks to the hares and on on to next week.

Sunday, January 26

#1191 Four Firs, Woodbury Common - Belltoll - 26 January 2025

With 65mph gusts predicted and heavy rain, we weren't expected a big turnout. Neither was the hare, Belltoll, who's been out laying it too. But 16 of us gathered at the Four Firs, and were battered by the elements. And "Josh" decided this was a nice week to join us!

Thankfully not a long trail, approaching 4 miles for the longs. I managed to sneak in a new pair of shoes, and they got muddy very quickly. And they nearly kept my feet dry until we crossed an overflowing stream.

Many of the marks were getting washed away, as most of the paths had turned into rivers, but despite that, it was an easy trail to follow, with a good number of long-shorts splits.  It did begin to dry up a bit my the time we had the sweetie stop, but by now we were all sodden and keen to get moving again. The 'kids' didn't seem to care and we're kicking puddles at each other on the way home. 

A big thanks to Belltoll for laying the trail in such awful weather. 

Next week's trail is Hotlips and Zoot.... Venue to be announced...