We run on a Sunday morning at 11am, within ~15 miles of Exeter. All abilities are welcome. Click this link for more info about us and hashing in general, or join our WhatsApp group
Sunday, December 28
Haldon Forest - Hole-in-1 and A la Ronde - Boxing Day 2014
Eighteen hashers braved the elements today, climatic conditions were not the best. Despite the rain, there was no excuse for running with an umbrella, but not just any umbrella: it was sponsored by the Met Office. Minxy was the offending hasher for future reference she obviously knows about such things as "climatic conditions".
We had three hares on view today all looking rather pleased with themselves, had they hatched some plot or other ! Anyway Hole in One appeared to be in charge of our gang of three, the others being A La Ronde and the other whose name escapes me as I cobble this review together. Perhaps it will reveal itself later, the name that is.
Twin Peaks informed the pack that there was a Christmas Truce as far as fines were concerned, strange that as everyone was well behaved including the D family those famous contributors
to the fine fund during the year, they have a trophy to prove it.
Wet was the theme for this hash non stop drizzle or worse for the whole run. At every hash halt 18 hashers tried to get under the Minxy umbrella, I can report that many continued to get wet more especially those around the outer edge of the by now famous Met Office brolly. We enjoyed several moments of peace and calm as the longs shot off at break neck speed and left is to amble in the forest as we took the obvious short route. There were several of these splits but there was a theme, each time Minxy took her brolly.
There was the usual sweet stop which boasted a vast array of goodies, some much that we had a rare event called "surplus sweet syndrome". I Groucho can report that I counted them out but couldn't count them in my fingers were numb. I still can't remember the name of the third hare, my mind must have gone numb as well. Perhaps a warm shower will do the trick !