Sunday, April 8

University of Exeter 8 April 2018

It proved difficult for some to find the correct car park; and those that did find it completely ignored the no entry sign – standard, really.  It was a select bunch with none of the normal front runners, as Boots was carrying two small children, one on his front and one on his back, so he could be forgiven for walking.  CC described renamed the long/short splits brutal/gentle.  I mostly checked wrong and caught most of the fish-hooks, thereby proving it was a slow pack.  The sweetie stop was near accommodation where the Gloucester Rugby fans were staying, ahead of the Chiefs v Gloucester match this afternoon.  A kind Gloucester supporter (dressed as a cowboy!?) offered to take the hash flash – as he didn’t realise that a large proportion of the pack were Chief’s supporters – until afterwards, but he took it in good spirits and we offered him a chocolate.  There were lots of steps in the second half of the trail and I clocked up 4.74 miles in total.  On On - Bollards