Tuesday, December 25

Kennford - Stix and Bollards - 23rd December 2018

Hope everyone is having a great Christmas! I'm still recovering from the pizza on Sunday. Definitely going back for more...

We'd laid the trail on the morning, since we were at the rugby the day before, and that involved a few beers after Chief's win. But it was all planned on the map, and apart from a path that didn't exist, all went to plan.

It wasn't going to plan for everyone else though. A late message from Tight explained how their car was running but they had locked the keys inside, and another from Swampy explaining that Strapo had a bad back (and definitely not a hang over). Also a phone call from Tampa asking where we were meeting... I answered outside the pub, and he replied saying that that's where he was. Technically he was closer to the pub than us, but not by much, and we were just around the corner!

It took a while to find the trail at the beginning, and then there was an early stream crossing, before a stretch alongside a very noisy A38. Then a long-short and in towards Kenn. A long short (with a Ha Ha) and then past the Ley Arms, up by the church, and lots of fishhooks to enjoy (Child Catcher in particular)

A sweetie stop on top of the hill, before heading down the other side, and down the lane back towards the village. A detour across a field, then back along the A38 before the On Home.

Straight into the pub, without any fines this week. I accidently locked Rocky into the car, so thanks to Mad Max for trying to calm him down! We didn't realise that the car had an alarm! The pizza was on order, and Wide and Tight arrived a split second after the food was ready... What a coincidence!

On on to next week, when we're at Pynes Hill... Don't forget to bring your unwanted presents for Hole in 1 to donate to charity.

And don't forget to Rate the Hash

Finally, 2019 subs are nearly due... See here for details about how to pay (PayPal).