Monday, December 14

Hash at the Warren

Adam Pagett Boot's trail on Sunday was like the weather! Damp, weak and a dismal. But on the bright side a good turn out for r*nning/ walking up the common. Missing this week was the Stix family and the Hare was also missing from the start, apparently something to do with live Haring but more than likely ashamed of his own trail. Boot's had written me a love letter with instructions of said trail. Things like : 1 and on, 12 for fish hooks, 8 long short splits, re group, Spocky lays the best trails and point in random direction and shout on on. If the common has ever been any wetter then I must have missed it! The trail was well laid and the best part was Woodpecker getting stuck in a bog and due to Covid restrictions the only way to get him out was to hit and poke him with sticks. The long after the bog just looped us all the way around to the bog. We'll me and Wide Darren Maynard missed the Safety check and with my phone now completely dead no photo. But I do have one just before Woodpecker gets stuck in the bog.
On home back to the carpark for safety briefing  before home. Onon to next weeks Christmas 🎄Hash (wear a hat and some tinsel). May even be some mulled wine and mice pies at the safety stop! 🤔
Onon till next week