Sunday, July 31

#1061 Newton Poppleford - Imelda - 24 July 2023

Just reposting the words that Wide Receiver wrote in WhatsApp for last week's hash and the hash flash from Happy Snapper

Next week we're at Little Haldon CP, on the B3192 near Teignmouth.

In the deep dark wood, all was quiet apart from the hash. 

13 hashers, 12 regular and a runner that Mad Max press ganged into joining us, I think her name was Maxine, she told us that she’d been out for an hour already doing sprints along Back lane in Newton Pop. 

Tampa arrived late, living the closest once again. 

Rambo delighted in telling us it was his 69th birthday the day before, Happy Birthday Rambo!

Off we went, Imelda showing the way, shorts and walkers following the River Otter upstream and across the fields, longs up towards the orchard, Humpty Dumpty deciding to follow Happy Snappy. 

Winding around the orchard I found my way back to the river and over the Otter and into Harpford village. 

Another long/short and Maxine went back but she said she had enjoyed herself. Myself and Dark Lord wound our way up to the Woods. 

A third l/s and I found myself on my own but knew where I was as I had many experiences through the woods, mainly involving pain and being tired!

Howling Wilf and Dark Lord traversed over a log and we had a conversation about balance and the lack of. 

I could see Coffin, Flo and Anabelle being supervised by Tight Lips as they looked over the edge of a long disused railway bridge at the sweetie stop. 

Imelda as the hare said he was not going to lay another l/s, we’ll just go back along the old track, through the village and along the river, back to the circle. 

No punishments, just crisps and beer. 

On on to next week. 

Wide Receiver.