Sunday, November 13

#1078 - Iford Manor (AGPU) - Spocky - 13 Nov 2022

A select group of hashers arrived at Iford Manor in time to pay our respects on remembrance Sunday. We welcomed Wilf's Ukrainian visitors (apologies can't remember names!). Spocky had been out laying his trail while he should have been buying pizzas for later. Never mind, buy them when we get back.... At least we won't order too many.
It turned out that only Imelda and I were likely to r*n the trail as Wide had hurt his big toe, which we later noticed had swollen. Sympathy please...
The trail for us two was about 4.5 miles long with a lot of winding around the new (and not yet finished) builds of Cranbrook. The marks from Spocky and Wide's recent Isca trail were still visible. This time though, it was laid in the light, so Spocky knew where he was going ( and Wide knew where he had been). 
Then over the main road towards Rockbeare, but soon instead taking the footpath to the right into the big field full of some rather attractive looking lady sheep, so Wide and I thought anyway. We had the sweeties stop there, before a long that took Imelda and I around some of the field, before rejoining the shorts back in the houses. I was knackered by this point so enjoyed a leisurely walk back with Wide (still thinking about sheep), and saw Mad Max pass us on his way towards the mansion, joining us late after his remembrance Sunday duties.
It was warm enough to sit outside for a while before retiring into the conservatory for a rather informal AGPU and pizza. Spocky stood down as GM after 10 years with Wide agreeing to take on the role. Elsewhere I will stay as onsex, with Tight staying as haberdashery and hare raiser. Speedy was voted in as Sheriff (although he didn't know that yet) and Wilf as vice-GM. Thankyou to Spocky for his long service... Hopefully we can celebrate his good work in the weeks to come. We also talked about how we best go about increasing numbers, and what benefits there are with sleeping with the GM.

And don't forget to Rate the Hash, and also to keep voting for any that you've missed. We'll use these votes when deciding the hash of the year , announced at Christmas.