Sunday, March 5

#1094 Double Locks - Speedy and Stix - 5 March 2023

A trail around the canal and quay side this week, laid by Speedy with a little help from me. We had a couple of stream crossings, something we haven't had for a while, with children being carried, and adults (mentioning no names Hotlips and Wilf) doing their best to avoid it. Tampa was late, and he was flashing us (as he drove past at 11.15!) But I don't think we saw him on the trail... I didn't anyway. Son of the Bitz (now 11, how did we miss that happy birthday?!) told us about how his dad's car was the best one there, and he brought his friend along, (B)Ryan. Other newcomers too, sorry can't remember all your names, but hope the water didn't put you off!  And a few of us enjoyed some excellent food in the pub afterwards! On On!

Next week's trail is from Lidl / Wonford Sports Centre, Exeter, with Happy Snapper and the gang as hares.