Sunday, February 23

#1195 Joney's Cross - Spocky - 23 February 2025

Words by Wide:

We have a new winner!!

We’ll get back to that in a minute. 

We gathered at Joneys cross and our hare Spocky was waiting for us and n the boot of X’s car, note that Tamper, its X’s car. 

I circled everyone up reminding hasher we still need a hare for the next few weeks. I welcomed Stubble who wasn’t been with us for a few hashes. Spocky briefed us that the trail had dried out somewhat because of the lovely day previously and we left the circle to the first mark. 

 The marks led us to the road and we crossed over onto Hawkerland. As we dropped, it got muddier and wetter. Maybe it was because the steam was now over the paths, I mean path in the loosest terms, it was mud, it was brambles, it was fallen trees covered in moss. Deeper we went into the woods, deeper we went into the mud, up to our belly’s in place. When I say our belly’s, I mean Rosie’s, she kept going regardless of how muddy and wet it was. 

Just before the SS there was an abyss to cross. Like the gentleman we are, Spocky and I helped the girls over. Tight slipped and a hand went out to grab her bottom and push her up. I didn’t tell her until we got back that it wasn’t mine it was Spocksters!

Howling Wilf, Son of a Bitz and Gripper tucked into the great selection of sweets. They were lovely, very tangy and sour. 

Onto the new winner. 

Ashclyst forest has alway been known as the wettest place on earth but the king is dead, long live the new king, Hawkerland Valley the wettest place known to man. The proof was our mud stained clothes,I now had beige socks, previously white, Captain Peacock had a brown behind, Belltoll looked like a drowned rat. 

No one escaped!

We arrived back at the car park for beers. Thank you Spocky for a new level of wetness at least we crisps that were dry. 

If you can lay next week let HW know.