The trail, or at least the longs, took us across the Maer then up into the the houses above Exmouth, along Portland Avenue to the main road, before heading back down along Long Lane past lots and lots of doggers. Then along Douglas Avenue before veering off on to a track and a long-short split. Taking the longs, I had Spocky ahead and Wide and Bollards behind. Wide was desperate for a wee, but was worried that 'the girls' were behind him 🤔. I'm not sure why they would mind, anyway it was only Bollards.
Then a check where Spocky took the obvious route, coming back saying he'd checked a long way but no marks. He then checked another way, as did Wide. Bollards and me just helped by listening for the calls... No marks apparently in any direction. So let's check the first way again. And there it is, a nice obvious dot 10metres from the check. Spocky got a down down for that later.
The lane just got muddier and muddier, before climbing back on the Maer Lane, taking a left towards the RedRock Scout camp. That took us along the amusingly titled Gore Lane, and across and down some very slippery fields, where Wide lost his balance and skidded a long way on his bum. He got a down down too, and his t-shirt was off from then.
Next the sweetie stop at Orcombe Point, where we were greeted by Oddbitz, Mouthful, No Butts and grandson.
We were there quite a while waiting for the shorts, but the views were stunning.
Then back home, around a mile to go, with the longs heading down on to Queens Drive for a bit more r+nning.
Down downs went to Wide and Spocky, with Son of the Bitz getting another for his 13th birthday!
Next week we're at Chudleigh Knight on play park... thanks no No Butts and Mouthful!