Friday, March 26

21st March - Ashclyst Forest - Bell Toll

Where have all the hashers gone, not so many today anyway, perhaps they had received inside information in the of a severe warning about mud. Rumour has it that Bell Toll, our hare, had it dumped by the lorry load. Anyway whilst we the pack, or if a small group do we refer to ourselves as a packet??, waited for our mud splattered hare to appear we played pass the baby involving Radio GaGa it was of course noted that it was only male members who held the said baby. Pass the baby stopped when an spoil-sport in the shape of Stat-Nav appeared who in one swoop gathered up the said GaGa and placed her on his back. The game was over.
Next Tail-Lamp informed us that he had seen a car do a 380 degree turn, gone is the old 360 degree perhaps due to inflation, having said that he does specialize in going round in circles.
Finally the hare appeared complete with layer of mud, within seconds we were off in search of our first brown stuff experience, which to our surprise had not surfaced during the first few checks, perhaps the threat of mud was a hoax. In fact we were treated to a series of pleasant forest paths with the odd ditch thrown in for good measure. However once we had crossed a country lane, well, we were in the country, the mud stuck, to our feet that is, apart from one member of the pack who decided to give the mud closer inspection by falling in the stuff. Well done Itsybitz! Next came the sweet stop only problem being finding them around the sea of mud, the hare having chosen to hide them, turns out Blobhoblin was in fact almost standing on one packet! Whilst at the sweetie stop, Millie decided Itsy was a bit clean still and so gave her a little nudge into a bit more mud. (Sorry X-Bitz - ED) Time for a quick hash flash, then on.
We then continued through the mud, hopping and skipping where possible with varying degrees of success. We were of course treated to several long/short splits the last long back to the car park being very muddy. We almost lost some hashers at this point. The shorts having arrived back at the car park some 15 minutes before the longs! Spud U Like and Tail Lamp appearing from an entirely different direction from the trail......looking a little dishevelled too??????? Groucho eventually appeared, also looking a little dishevelled, but by himself?????? Five star mud with plenty of up hill thrown in. Fines were given out once everyone was gathered with twenty pounds being collected for Sport Relief. Thanks for your contributions.