Tuesday, July 12

19th June - Feniton Village CP - Chip Shop + Up Yours

Blog for CofE H3 Sunday 19th June – Feniton Village Car Park – Hare Up Yours unassisted by Chip Shop (Slip Shod)
Quite a few gathered on this pleasant morning for Up Yours trail. She didn’t realise she was hare days before but Slip Shod had to convince her. Anyway, happy new year Up Yours, first time I’ve seen you I think (more later).
There were some announcements at the beginning. Autumn Gathering now gathering pace. Other things I can’t remember – that’s the problem with leaving the blog for many days after the event. This, by the way, is being penned on the Gin Palace.
Myself and Twin Peaks took on the role of deputy and assistant Sheriff in the absence again of our real love sick Sheriff – the one and only Stat Nav. For those who have only been hashing for, oh, a couple of months, you may not have met him yet (he’s really building up the absentee fines by the way).
A bit of a problem with the parking then as they had a christening at the church, although I didn’t see any down downs. Not surprising as I found out later that the naming was for someone who was only a few months old! So we had to park all over the place. Bad planning I say. Gather we did to hear the usual destructions from the hares and off we went. Everybody except one hasher accepted Cathusalem’s wisdom that it would definitely not b e ‘that way’ but of course it was.
It wasn’t long before we came to a faint arrow and a new arrow pointing in opposite directions – all hell was then let loose as the two hares had a domestic about what was the right way. I think Slip Shod just wanted to test our bottle by sending us through the herd of cattle.
Some pleasant countryside followed plus some road, a sweety stop with a nice selection and eventually back to the car park. A couple of clever longs made some work for their lunch and altogether a nice trail. At the circle, Twin Peaks went to town on all and sunder dishing out fines like an expert. What a memory that girl has got.
Following dispersal, our GM (genetically modified) Groucho, Tail Lamp, Fruity, Twin Peaks and myself accepted a generous offer of coffee and bickies back at the Hares’ hideout. Thank you, that was yummy and very welcome.