Sunday, September 21

Haldon Belvedere - Blobhoblin - 21st September 2014

There were two things I expected from today’s hash:  1.  We would struggle to park at Haldon Belvedere Car Park and 2.  The marks wouldn’t be very big as Blobhoblin is well known for being economical with flour.  I was right on both counts.  The gate into the woods from the car park was open when we arrived and those preceding us had had strict instructions from a Ranger to leave enough clearance for an ambulance, so we all triple parked blocking each other in.  The usual introductions took place in the circle:  There was a well- travelled visitor who most lately had hashed in the South East and Spocky and X-Bitz had bought a virgin family along. 

The trail set off up the road and turned right into the woods.  Cousteau disappeared into the trees but we couldn’t hear him calling because Lark’s dog was making too much noise.  Following a regroup we climbed in and out of undergrowth, passed through tunnels and wandered up streams for quite some time before eventually arriving at the Sweetie Stop, where Sour Worms and chocolate raisins were consumed before the Hash Flash. 

There was a long short split, several people took comfort breaks (and were later fined for it) and those who did the section of trail that I did got badly scratched by brambles before meeting up with the rest of the pack just before the On Home.
I clocked up 2.11 miles but Cousteau reckoned he had done nearly 5.  I’m not surprised as he seemed to be the one doing all of the checking and fish hooks, usually followed by EJ and Imelda.

During the circle we blocked some normal people in, who had just returned to their car from their walk.  They looked on as the Sherriff and Deputy Sherriff dished out loads of fines (pay up) and Jamie was named Porridge Gobbler (probably to be shortened to PG).

On On to Groucho's Birthday Bash at Bridge Farm next week.  On On, Bollards.

Brilliant photo-bombing from Rocky

The Magic Walk

Sweetie stop at the viewpoint (can you spot Usain Bitz at the back)