I was following Sorepoint who remarked that she hoped it wasn’t a false peak, where you think you’re at the top, but it just flattens out a little before continuing upwards. It was. Most of the pack were clambering around some tor while my calfs and lungs were burning as I craned my neck upwards to look at them. When I eventually reached the top, Stix commented that he was feeling slightly faint and had pins and needles. It was probably altitude sickness kicking in. He tried to take a photograph of the pack, but it was a little precarious and was advised that there was a better place to do so and the trail went further up to another tor where we gathered for the sweetie stop (where he forgot to do the hash flash). All admired the far reaching views across the moor while enjoying a wide range of chocolate. Monty ate the hash marks and a discussion took place about the difference between peppermint and spearmint.
The second long/short split saw the shorts heading more or less in the right direction to get home, while the longs headed out further onto the moor before turning back towards the shorts, who were by now, far in the distance. On the route home, we encountered a stone circle; appropriate considering the summer solstice. Back at the car park, we spread our picnic blankets and had a spot of lunch, complete with scones, jam and cream thanks to Belltoll. There was much faffing associated with trying to take a self-timer photograph. The sun went in and we decided to call it a day as it was a little chilly.
It was goodbye to Raspberry Nipple, who is working away for 3 months, but for the rest of us, its the golf course at Newton St Cyres next week (map is here, or get yourself to the village, turn right towards the railway station , turn right at The Beer Engine, then left at the T-junction/triangle junction). Then we're back to the Beer Engine, which is under new management, for Sunday lunch (and a free drink for members). Don't forget to click here and Rate the Hash.
A few of the pack at the top of Belstone Tor |