Then we were off, together at first, down the road alongside the golf course, before the shorts went off right, while the longs continued down and down and down, nonstop along the road for about 2 miles! We met the hare perhaps where we could go no lower, giving us directions on to a track at which point we climbed slightly to the village of Luton for the sweetie stop. We were greeted there by a snappy dog behind a gate, so we had to hide to stop it barking. A lady came out to see what was going on, and then wanted to take her car out. She directed us where stand out of the way, and Hot Lips offered to help her reverse out. Not sure what she thought of that as she's probably been doing it for decades, and XBitz didn't think much of his offer either, shouting "sexist pig!!".
After about 15 minutes the rest of the back markers arrived, we had the hash flash (taken by Happy Snapper) and we were off again. Past The Elizabethan and up a very steep and long road towards home. The longs had a bit of a detour across the old airfield.
In the circle, the hare nearly got a down down for passing breweries and pubs without stopping, but it went to Hot Lips for his sexist remarks!
Next week we're at Slapton FSC Start Bay for the Autumn Gathering.
On on