Sunday, July 14

#1164 Blackborough Woods - Paperwork and Sorepoint - 14 July 2025

Sorepoint and Paperwork got soaked laying the trail yesterday, ready for the hash today. There was still water running down the road, puddles in the car park and some shiggy. 
Our GM was away so Wilf took charge, decisively claiming his right to do so after Sorepoint called the circle! Until that point the conversations had ranged from mathematics and decimal points (of course Paperwork was involved) to clitorises (guess what, Paperwork was still involved!). That conversation had something to do with Pearl's socks... 

Yes, Pearl was back!  And Mooner joined us, representing Taunton.  

The Bitz's were running late so we rushed as quickly as we could to get going (joke 🤣!). The trail headed down the road and then into the woods. I quickly found the On Home, but Bollards found the right way. A narrow path that ended up back on the road, but with a check back, and then a titty-check. A longish long took us around a loop, by which time Spocky had caught us up. Then, we joined the shorts. More beautiful woods to run through, and across some really pretty moss laden undergrowth. 

A narrow path with "Christmas trees" either side, and lots of prickly brambles, next - my arms and legs are scarred! Then another titty check and a long loop that went down, and then back up, with Spocky leading and Bollards and I trying to work out which way he went. No fear, Paperwork wasn't far behind. Then back to the prickly path for some more razor action 

Then to the sweetie stop, with liquorice, jelly beans and peachy rings.  The down down that didn't happen was Pearl turning to Wobbly saying "come on mate..." Thinking he was actually giving a pep talk to Son of the Bitz!

From there is wasn't far to go home, and the final long short had the car park in sight. So I sacrificed doing another long for opening the car up for the shorts too get their beer.

Thanks to the hares for a great trail. 

Next week we're at Ilford Manor, Southbrook Lane, near Cranbrook, the home of the Bitz's, with Boots laying the trail.

Sunday, July 7

#1163 King George V Playing Fields and Tally Ho! - Speedy assisted by Stix - 7 July 2024

This week we kept it in the family with me Speedy)  and Stix as hares. We started from the King George V playing fields with a decent pack, considering most hashers ended up in rehab after last weekend. The story of the lay was the expensive phone Stix had spotted on the way around. The hashers gathered around the phone trying to get it off silent so that we could hear if they called us. Luckily although the phone was locked, we could entertain ourselves with the chat heads that popped up these included but where not limited to:

“You better be here soon fatty”


“gay boy lost his phone”

In the circle we congratulated Woodpecker as he had his 19th birthday in the week. We also welcomed our newcomer called Annabell (who was Itzys friend). 

Anyway we had a trail to do. We started with a loop of king George V playing fields cutting with a cunning trail through the woodlands. The hashers seemed a bit sheepish at checks to start with often following the frontrunner even if they were going the wrong way. We then had a long short split where the longs did a loop of the housing estate below Ludwell valley park. And the shorts headed down a bank through the forest (where we found the phone), where my assistant hare Stix allowed them to get lost. After running around the fields, we had a sweet stop and overlooked the city. Another long short split before the hashers crossed a stream and headed towards the dolphin inn for a cheeky pint. Zoot, Hotlips and Coatcheck  tried to leave the pub but as soon as they did it started tipping it down with rain so they came in and bought another half. 

We then promptly hashed back before heading into the Tally Ho for a few pints and a meal which were excellent. We spent so long out on the trail today that there wasn’t time to do the circle and we headed straight into the pub.  

Exciting i-phone update: Rocky managed to turn silent mode off and he phoned it this afternoon. He lost it last night on a walk home from a party (went on too long apparently) he fell over a few times had the scars on his legs to prove it. Looked like he had done the hash himself! He doesn't have insurance on it and is paying about £70 per month so he was grateful. Tried to give Speedy £20 reward.

Saturday, July 6

#1162 The G10ry H01e, Exminster - Stix & Bollards - 30th June

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Monday, June 24

#1161 Harcombe Woods - Wide - 23 June 2024.

A good turn out given the Devon Full Moon weekend also taking place. Wide had stepped in this week too lay the trail because we didn't have a hare, so thanks to him! Good on Drop Off too for cycling 16 km uphill to the hash!
It was a three and on trail, all off-road, and a good number of long shorts and fish hooks. 
After getting underway, and while us longs were looping back to join the shorts, Tampa appeared. He then managed to do three of the fish hooks!
We followed many of the tracks, but often through the trees add the undergrowth. Wide laid lots of loops to keep them pack together. Paperwork led the trail for much of the hash, and I was definitely struggling after a week away eating and drinking too much. 
A good selection of sweeties at the regroup, with the milk bottles being a favourite. Then on to the rest of the trail, and a another long-short, which was just a haha. 
At the endof the trail we were looking for hares and am pleased to be able to thank Sorepoint and Paperwork for agreeing to lay 14 July. We still need a hare for the 21st. 
Next week we're in Exminster, at The Gl#ry H@le, for a BBQ. Please bring something to share for nibbles before the BBQ food starts flowing, or for pudding. Map is here Please park at rear