Wednesday, December 29

2022 Subs and Contacts

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and is looking forward to 2022.

A couple of jobs for you to do between now and the new year.

Pay your subs! 

Adults (16 and over) £20

Youth (5 - 15) £10

Use the links above to pay, or you can also use Paypal by sending the payment to or I can take payment via contactless at the hash.

Update your contact information

If you didn't do this back in August 2021, or if your details have changed, then please use this form

This is for us to keep the hash records up to date - so that we can email you with latest hash event information and have emergency contact details kept on file.

Rate the Hash is back

We'll start this again from January - with a simple score out of 10 for the trail, and the hash hospitality (sweetie stop, on down, BBQ etc).  Use the link:

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy