Sunday, August 20

#1118 Uphams Plantation - Pearl - 20 Aug 2023

Thanks to Pearl for laying this week's trail, with a mix of longs, shorts and walks suitable for all.  Great to see the return of Gripper and Trojan; Gripper's second trail within a month back with us, reminiscing about old times... Hashing 30 years ago when we were all youngsters...

It was a trail that started by taking us around the woods were no more! Then a long which ended in a HaHa (that was the one that Pearl hadn't laid, and decided not to bother!).  At the sweetie stop we enjoyed a classic variety of treats, with all-sorts, gems and pastels, and were joined by some ex-hashing guests on two wheels... Not sure who they were. 

Then the second half had a little bit of shiggy, and another three longs, one taking us along a completely overgrown bridle path, which resembled a dry stream bed with lots of fallen trees to negotiate.

Them soon home, and Gripper got Trojan a seat so she could relax on the circle!

Don't forget to rate the hash

We need hares for the next couple of weeks so please volunteer if you've not laid over for a while.

On on!