Saturday, November 11

#1129 AGPU at Kingsteignton - Wide - 5 November 2023

Thanks to Tight for putting together the Tea and sandwiches after the trail. Minutes of the meeting below.

City of Exeter H3

Minutes of AGPU, 5 Nov 2023, Blindwell Farmhouse, Kingsteignton.

In attendance:

Stix, Bollards, Wide Receiver, Tight Lips, Howlin’ Wilf, Oddbitz, Wobblybitz, Hotlips, Zoot, Coatcheck, Mad Max

Summary of year (Wide Receiver)

Including a discussion of the success of the Autumn gathering

An aspiration for the future to get the hash diary booked up at least 4 weeks in advance, but appreciating that all hashes are seemingly struggling at the moment.


Finance update (Bollards)

Aim to to keep a years worth of cash in account . Current balance is over £900. Autumn gathering had a surplus of £58.11


Voting in of new officers

Grand Mattress – Wide Receiver

On Sex - Stix

Hash Cash – Bollards

Hare Raiser – Pearl

Hash Haberdash – Tight Lips

Deputy GM – Howlin’ Wilf


Incoming GM statement

WR thanked the efforts of Tight in her role of Hare Raiser, and the efforts of all continuing officers


WR asked the meeting to consider how we can increase numbers.  Students at the University was a suggestion. Keeping a good diary will also help.


Re: the Autumn gathering next year, WR will be looking for volunteer helpers in the Spring


The Xmas trail hared by Speedy was also mentioned as an upcoming special event, which will be a short AtoB.



No changes were suggested for consideration.

Membership Fees

Given the current balance, there was thought to be no need to increase fees. (£20pa for adults, £10pa for youths, £1/50p per week)


The meeting was concluded with further thanks from the GM