Sunday, September 9

Cranbrook - English Muffin, Baby Bear and Cupcake

The roast was already cooking at the Cranberry Farm by the time we arrived at 11am, and the smell from the extractor fan convinced a few of us that we definitely would be staying for lunch.  Bullbait did a tour of the car park on arrival, apparently so he could park next to us!  The hares warned us that there had been a fun run last weekend, which was marked in red, so they decided to mark the trail in "pinky-purple" - that'll make it absolutely clear then!
The trail took us all around sunny Cranbrook, keeping to the open spaces mostly, and following some of the trail taken by last weeks Tour of Britain stage.  The sweetie stop was not far from the railway station, and we thanked the hares for the many inspiration messages that they had taken time to write on the pavement for the second half of the trail, such as "Work Hard Dream Big and Never Give Up"!.  Lots of loops, and lots of long-short splits - needed careful haring as we crossed the trail a couple of times. But all went well!  
In the circle 9which was moved out of the pub car park) Speedy, Stingray and Rocky got fined for short cutting, apparently I had give the wrong postcode on the diary, and Bullbait for driving round the carpark.  
A great Sunday lunch was enjoyed by many of us on the pub's patio afterwards

Next week its from Bridge Farm, Stoke Canon EX5 4EE (map, SX938973)

And don't forget to RATE THE HASH!