Saturday, June 24

Exminster - Bollards and Speedy - 24th June 2017


It was too hot to hash. Luckily, I’d managed to lay the trail the previous evening, otherwise I’d never have made it around twice. The first half of the trail was mainly uphill for the shorts and uphill and downhill and uphill again for the longs (of which there weren’t many). After the regroup, it was uphill for everybody, before a level bit and then a sweetie stop. The final third of the trail was downhill, before levelling off along the main road back to Exminster. There were few runners by this point. Apathy reigned. We had a BBQ on the field. About an hour after getting back we had some food, which was surprising as Stix had stayed behind to get everything ready. Stix did a good job of not burning the food. Hopefully, no-one got sunburned either.

Please don't forget to Rate the Hash

Coming up...

25th June: Newton St Cyres Golf Course (picnic) - Groucho (map)
2nd July: Castle Car Park, Woodbury Common (Estuary View / West side) - Woodpecker (map). Then back to Exton for food.
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