Sunday, March 10

#1147 Mamhead - Zoot and Coatcheck - 10 March 2024

While Hotlips and Chuckles are at the rugby, Zoot and Coatcheck lay a trail! And it had stopped raining, although still lots of water under foot. 
Wide welcomed the pack, which arrived in dribs and drabs because of the normal parking problems at dogging car park. Talking of dribs and drabs, Spocky was back r#nning! And he was recovering after his 'charity' walk to the pub yesterday, and the associated hangover.
We set off on the long towards the Obelisk and a great view over Teignmouth, with the shorts going the opposite way, but we all ended up back together on the road that we all drove in along.  Then up towards the A380. Dots were a long way apart, so the longs had their work cut out, and there were long stretches that got my heart pounding! The sweetie stop was slightly more than half way round, with what seemed like extra soft and fruit fruit pastels!
A walk and a long/short from the sweetie stop, was a mile and a bit for us (I assume less for the walkers!!), and a good continuous j@g along the forest track back to the car park. Although we lost the trail at the check, did a loop, and then found it again! 
Thanks to the hares for stepping in to lay today's trail, and thanks to Howlin' Wilf for offering to lay next week's (Joneys Cross).
On on